I forgot to mention earlier that we were joined by four more team members this morning. Dave Johnson, his wife Joyce, daughter Christi, and their friend Cherise have joined us and are working with us also this week. We are glad to have them and it has been fun getting to know them throughout the day. The rest of our day at the clinic went well. It has been such a blessing that things are running so smooth and to see the way God is working in and through all of us here. Oscar and his family have been so kind and generous, opening their home to us each day for lunch, making sure we are nourished and ready to go back to finish our day at the clinic. Thank you to them, it would be a long day without the kindness you have shown to us while we have been here. After clinic was over, we went back to the orphanage to another great meal and were able to listen to the story of how Lenore came to found the orphanage. It is an amazing story and I encourage you all to check out there website to learn more about what this amazing women has done, is doing, and wants to do to help the children here in Guatemala. (http://www.misionerosdelcamino.org/) After dinner we had another great night of worship, Anna-Cheri and Ryan do an awesome job of leading us so we can be refilled after pouring out God's love to the people of Sumpango while at clinic. When worship was over, we had some time to relax before bed. Needless to say, the environment is sometimes not even close to relaxed with the rivalries in eucher and cribbage games that have developed over the past few days. Its fun to see everyone having fun and developing new friendships during this week. Again I want to thank you for all your prayers, they are greatly appreciated!
I could pick Anna-Cheri out in that picture a mile away... priceless.