Wednesday, January 12, 2011


We started our first day of clinic yesterday with me doing morning devotions.  I talked about Worry.  If things do not go as planned, it’s ok.  I wore 2 very heavy backpacks.  Those were my worries.  All we need to do is ask for God’s help.  I dropped the backpacks- God is always there for us.  The weights are lifted.
We have nothing else to worry about.  At the end of the day after 248 patients I was, as Harry Chapin’s Grandfather would say – A GOOD TIRED.  Loving what I was doing, getting pumped about seeing the patients.  I worked hard, got to teach some of our pharmacy helpers how to read doctor’s handwriting, got to teach them what some of the meds are used for.  Lots of good conversations in our dorm room late at night.  Eric, Kate, Raj, Sally, Lucas, Isabel, Amy, Tammy & Matt – I miss you & will talk next Saturday.  Oh, by the way, some of us have gotten sunburned  approx. 75 degrees

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